It was raining cats and dogs today due to the typhoon. The government had announced the off day for all the classes and activities held in the afternoon. I am a foreigner who was really looking forward for the typhoon. How weird I am. However, after raining and strong wind blowing for few days, the ceiling in our room started to get wet and dripping water. I feel regret of my wish, "Mr Typhoon! Please go away!"
Even it was in bad weather, we still carried on our plan to make some art craft.
這些漂流木都是志工大哥在海邊撿到,然後處理過做成的成品。據說,颱風天之後就是撿拾漂流木的最佳時機,這時候很多人會對一等木即檜木虎視眈眈。我們的心血裏面,“耳朵”是樟樹做的喲~ 香~
The wood we used were the leftover wood collected from the beach. These woods can be recycled and they were given a brand new life. According to the elderlies, the best time to collect the woods is after the typhoon bad weather. There is a lot of people take it for granted to grab the best wood like Cypress.
This is the initial material we had-wood, hammer and nails.
This were the art craft from our teacher! They are experts!
After some explanation and demonstration, we had to start doing it by ourselves. I feel so lost when I found that I can't even hold a hammer properly. I am so clumsy. ><
After DIY-ing by myself and with the help of the experts, I had successfully made a wood model. I had been forcing myself to come out with some creative idea. But I found that what we think and what we do is totally a different story. The hippopotamus that I made was initially a horse and the cute elf were a "Pikachu" in my thought.
The art craft produced in the typhoon are up for grab!
I drew all this!
The colour on this little hippo is blue, yellow, red and white. It is exactly the colours of the Malaysia flag.
再來就是這個,名為“春夏秋冬小精靈”的作品。就因為形狀像小精靈,就想給他披上漂亮的衣裳。小時候因為卡通節目看得多,總覺得小精靈會出現在乖孩子的身邊,可是爲什麽我都沒見過他們呢?我明明就很乖啊~ (臉皮雙層厚)
秋天的部份是失敗之作,看起來變成是火燒森林了。但我畫了一片楓葉作為補償。 XD
Then followed by this little elf with the name of "Four Seasons Elf". It looked like an elf after I finish its wooden model so I decided to give him a colourful clothing.
I failed on the autumn part and it looked like forest fire instead of autumn. So I drew a maple leaf as replacement.
新竹處的大家,這就是我們羅東處給你們的紀念品啦~很特別吧 =)
Hey! Boys and girls from Hsinchu Forest Office, this is the gift from us, Luodong Forest Office! Is it special?
♥ By Joyyi ♥