2012年7月23日 星期一

小腳丫走濕地之一 Luodong Nature Centre Summer Camp Part1

The 3 days 2 nights Summer Camp organized by Luodong Nature Centre had definitely made my days in Taiwan a fruitful one. Thank you!!

要是以過去經驗來說,我不容易和小朋友打成一片,但也不至於會把小朋友打成一片片。簡單來說,就是耐心零蛋吧……*歎氣* 可是這次的營隊活動里,對自己表現的大躍進深感滿意。嘻嘻~
According to the previous experience, I always could not mix well with the kids due to my 0% of patience. I am glad that I had made it in which I started to get along well with the kids. =)

為數30個年齡介於9歲至14歲的小朋友于營隊結束后,滿載而歸地踏上歸途。為何是“滿載而歸”?因為不管是心理、知識、五臟廟還是物質,大家似乎都被填飽了。 我們五個(暑期志工和國際志工)當然也不例外!私下還想說這樣天天準時有好料吃的日子還真不錯喲~
There is total of 30 kids with the age between 9 to 14 years old joined this camp and all of us were very satisfy especially for the nice meals during the camp.

剛開始見到小朋友的時候,讓我感到有點措手不及。但經過相處之後,發現他們還真的有點可愛。*眼睛水汪汪* 童言童語夾雜著閩南語,也讓我笑得無法停止。好可愛也好好笑!
I feel so lost when the first time I meet the kids. But I started to like them and I think that they are cute especially when they talk about something funny in mixed language of Mandarin and Taiwanese.

The activity of the first day was at the upstream of a river in Jiao Xi. Everyone is ready for the diving lesson~ However, it was raining when we reached.

雨勢漸小,又是玩樂時間~~ 花花綠綠的泳褲是Chi的最愛……好啦,我承認我也有在看~ *羞* >~<’’’
It’s fun time when the sun came out and say hello again! Colourful swimming trunk is always Chi’s favourite. Haha.. Ok I admit it that I enjoy seeing those too. LOL.

I know I don’t look good in this photo but I think it is funny so I posted it here. ><

One day before the camp we had went for a fishing rod training session. This is the first time I tried to make a fishing rod. Cool right?

We have to practice it earlier because we have to assist the kids on fishing rod making session in the first night.

 ♥ By Joyyi ♥

