After going on trails for several times, I
feel unhappy with some actions of the trail users.
The rubbish was being dump unconsciously?
Or there is no rubbish bin and you think doing such thing is more convenient?
No matter how, rules are rules. Please obey the basic rules when you are in the
forest or trails.
I would like to share some examples of
“treasures” which I found during my trekking.
第一、 包裝紙袋及寶特瓶。你覺得,遠處一閃一閃亮晶晶的很漂亮?可是趨前一看,竟然是垃圾,當下的感受會是如何的呢?小動物要是不小心把垃圾吃下,或是身困其中,很可能會一命嗚呼。諂害生命的責任,你能否擔當?
1st, food packing and plastic
bottles. The glowing object is nice when being seen from far. What would you
feel if you get nearer and find that it is actually a rubbish left by someone
irresponsible? If the little creatures in the forest eat the rubbish
accidentally, or may get trapped in it, their life may come to an end and can
you take the responsibility when you harm one’s life?
第二、 香煙煙蒂。這樣的行為可真是要不得啊!想要吞雲吐霧?隨你便,可是到了山林請自製。你可否知道,隨手亂扔的煙蒂,可能會給環境帶來多大的災害?星星之火,可以燎原。煙蒂屬火,山林里到處都是枯葉,小火星要是碰到了易燃
2nd, cigarette end. If you are a
smoker, please do not smoke in the forest. The cigarette end that you throw
away right after you finish smoking is still glowing. What if the end is thrown
on dry leaves? This might light the dry leaves up and cause forest fire. Please
think twice on this matter as this can harm a lot of parties in many different
第三、 紙巾。雖說紙巾可以被分解,可那也不是一兩天就可以辦到的事。同樣的,小動物要是不小心吞食導致性命受到危害,那可怎麼辦?最佳的方法就是攜帶手帕,環保又衛生,洗滌之後還可以重複使用。
3rd, tissue paper. Although the
tissue paper can be dissolved, the process can’t be done in a few days. Same
question, if there are small animals eat up the tissue paper accidentally and
die of it, are you going to take the responsibility? The best way is to use
handkerchief instead of tissue paper as it can be recycled and used for many
第四、 鞋底。很荒謬吧?因為步道崎嶇,步行太多,導致鞋底脫落?要是真發生此事,請自行把脫落了的鞋底帶走,別讓它孤單落寞留在山林里等待志工來撿拾!
4th, shoe sole. This really
sounds ridiculous. Please do pick up your worn off shoe sole and do not leave
it for the forestry volunteers to clear it for you.
第五、 毛巾。又是一個算是讓人摸不著頭腦的垃圾。用髒了不想帶回家去清洗,就擅自把它丟在山林步道上,這樣的行為真的很不負責任!
5th, towel. This is another
thing which makes people feel like laughing for no reason. Is it because it is
dirty and you do not want to wash it anymore? Please do not throw such thing on
the trail and be so disrespectful to the nature.
Everyone has to be responsible on
protecting our Mother Earth. Please be responsible on the rubbish you created.
Bring it out from the forest and throw it in the rubbish bin.
♥ By Joyyi ♥