2012年7月30日 星期一

森活館驚魂記 Nervous Day in Forest Life Exhibition Hall

Welcome to The People On The Mountain's house. This place was built like the house of the wood cutter on Taipingshan in the olden days. I am in-charging of being narrator at 3pm. I had been worrying about this for the whole day.
I know I look good when I put on the microphone but the truth is that I am shivering inside. I will get blank everytime when I am nervous. I have to overcome the butterfly in my stomach!!

Help me~~!!

Let's begin!
"This is the combination of living room and kitchen of the people living on the mountain. The temperature on Taipingshan is relatively low, the workers will gather at this area with their family members to warm themselves and to chit chatting."

"The wood cutter did not rest two days a week like us. They only off during Chinese New Year, Mooncake Festival and Dumpling Festival. There was also another festival where they will get an off of seven days which was during the Sport Festival. One of the sport games they had was carrying a heavy sandbag of 30kg to 50kg and ran up a long staircase. This shows that the wood cutter in the olden days had good stamina and very fit. "

I look calm but I am scared.

♥ By Joyyi ♥

